
Meet Women and men in Newfoundland and Labrador

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Happy couple in love
Hope555, 37
Comfort Cove-Newstead
Profile certified

I am a good man. And someone who fear God.

Sarahpp, 42
Channel-Port aux Basques

Je suis toujours prête à écouter, conseiller et soutenir dans les moments difficiles. J'aime rire et m'amu...

kendrasohia543, 47
Channel-Port aux Basques

I'm probably one of those people who thinks it was better before.

Annabelle123, 43
Channel-Port aux Basques

I am looking for a man who, like me, is family oriented. I also prefer someone who is God-fearing and res...

Sarahcopeland096, 40

I am a cheerful, loyal and caring lady. I value family traditions and for me the most important in life is...

Monica284, 33
Comfort Cove-Newstead

I’m a nurse and I work in pet hospital

Julia21rousseau, 38

Je veux du sérieux Merci !!

lallipop, 48


Pat455, 38
Channel-Port aux Basques
Profile certified

It is the first time when I need to describe myself - it is not an easy task and maybe my description will...

gaby.desousa, 42
Channel-Port aux Basques

Elprimo, 24
Fox Cove-Mortier

J’aime tout le monde

2nono, 43
St. John's

Je suis un bon gars je veux trouver une vraie femme

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couple kissing

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