In the last few years, online dating has become normalized. Indeed, more and more of the people you talk to consider this a good way of meeting new partners. However, with the widespread use of dating sites like Vidamora and the numerous users that sign up for online dating every single day, meeting that special person online is no different from meeting a date at your workplace or at the park – even more so for Generations Y and Z. Still some of us are yet to get acquainted with this new trend. Others have just began testing the waters. If that is your case, here are 6 tips to help you succeed in online dating.
Maybe you were a celebrated football star in high school. Also maybe, you have gained thirty pounds since your physical heyday. It would be normal to have less confidence in your looks now. Sure, you might have looked great back then but leave those pictures where they belong (in your shoebox) and upload recent photos that represent who you are. Even if dating and meeting new people should not be all about vanity, your date will not have a favorable impression if their first thoughts of you are: “Whoa, they are nothing like their pictures.”
Being untruthful will be distracting and can start your relationship on a note of dishonesty instead of trust. This also applies to exaggerations about your job, education, career, and any other personal aspect. At some point or another your date will realize you tricked them. When this happens, they will wonder if all you’ve been telling them is fabrications and lies. Stay truthful about your weight, color or education; you are still going to get a date. Dating sites have huge audiences. In this sea of potential soulmates, someone is looking for a person just like you. Therefore, be truthful and honest at all times.
You may have heard stories of catfishing or people tricked in one way or another in online dating. Though these things do happen, this situation remains rather rare. This is not say they never happen though. Truth be told, they might. That’s why you should arrange to meet with your online date in person before falling head over heels in love with them. And though dating sites are full of extremely beautiful, handsome and wealthy people, it doesn’t mean that they will look exactly as in their pictures. This is not to say that you should expect to meet someone you wouldn’t recognize from their picture. Just keep in mind their photographs are usually the very best ones they have. They could even be old or edited. It’s not always the case, but you can never know how a person looks until you’ve met them. For that reason, don’t be too expectant.
Going on a date with a person you’ve only talked to online can be a very awkward situation. You might have had fascinating conversations online, but once you are face to face, your date can become shy. This makes it hard for them to initiate a conversation. And since online dating is popular with people who are shy in real life, they’ll appreciate you initiating conversations. It will do them and yourself a big favor.
When the day to meet in person finally comes, you should try to be as polite and understanding as possible. Yes, even if they are not exactly like you expected them to be. Sometimes, they are not at all like you imagined. Still, stick around. It’s only polite. And who knows, you might have an enjoyable conversation. New friendships might blossom. They might introduce you to other people who are a better fit for you. The point is, you’ll never know unless you stay. Besides, you would appreciate them doing the same for you. Imagine how you’d feel if someone disappeared on you five minutes into your date. Don’t be that person.
This is not as simple or easy as it sounds. Even though most people on dating sites are honestly looking for relationships, there are also some who are looking for hookups to advance their own vanities. Fortunately, such people are easy to identify. They will most probably suggest that you go back to their place to “chill” or for “Netflix.” These expressions have pretty much become a code for someone looking for casual encounters. There is also another group of people on dating sites just looking for attention. Those in this lot will try matchmaking with everyone. Oftentimes it is to boost their social media account numbers and make themselves feel good. They will also never make the attempt to meet you in person. They are after boosting their ego and not meeting real people.
The best way to identify the intentions of a person is by asking them on a date. However, don’t do it right off the bat. If you are not sure, ask them ingeniously and subtly in the middle of a conversation. If their answer tells you they like meeting new people and forming relationships, you can go ahead. Ask them on a date.
Online dating can be overwhelming and weird, especially for people who are not used to socializing on the internet. However, if you are single and would like to spice things up a little bit, it might pay off if you give it a shot. After all, the worst that could happen is you getting content to write the “Dos” and “Don’ts” of dating online. So why not give it an honest go?
Also, have a look to 10 advice about meeting your date for the first time
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